Our Blinkie



Monday, October 12, 2020
We have some very creative chicks in our forum.
This challenge is a fun way to show off their skills, We give them a kit to play with and they make a cluster frame that we then post here on our blog.

Shelly graciously donated one of her PTU kits to be used in our Create a cluster challenge, We used Scrapkit  I_Heart_Autumn:  Designz By Shelly.

Check out her blog.

and here are the frames that were created. 

Right click to make full size and save image as, Enjoy!~
We have some very creative chicks in our forum, This challenge is a fun way to show off their skills, It takes time to find new, quality, kits from designers who allow cluster frames to be created with their kits. 
So while I was on the hunt for new permissions, I gave them a few links to kits from the designers we already have permissions with and they picked which one!
Here are the results click on image to make full size then right click save as.

Polka Dot Scraps


MizTeeques Digital Designs

More exciting clusters to come!

If you're a quality designer and wish to see our forum create clusters with your kits FTU or PTU kits please email xtenziv@hotmail  (use Create a cluster as the subject so it doesn't get lost), thank you for considering!~

Friday, May 8, 2020

I extended the challenge a little to see if we could get more creative clusters and it was a success..
This time we played with a Englechen's Crazy Fantasy World kit,
This one is a summertime kit since summer is coming faster than we think, I was hoping we could get ahead of the season and start creating them now, other forums may use them for their challenges!~

We have frames from Birdy.lynn, Jenn-xo, KathyFrancis, Louise and Xtenziv

Right click save image as.. Enjoy!~
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
We didn't have a lot of members play this round, but we still got some pretty frames, we used FTU kit Springtime Promise from Tiny Turtle Designs. 
Frames made by Jenn-xo and Xtenziv

Right click and save image as.. 
Want to try your hand at the challenge? Join our group!
We have lots of challenges for you to try.

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